Now it must be made clear that a second personal- ity no more than the first one doesn't just come upon you some night or upon request or even desire. You become to be the kind of masculine personality you presently are as a result of years of living and of myriads of experiences and reachtions to situations superimposed on your own particular hereditary, and glandular structure. You are gay, lighthearted, and exptrovertive, or quiet, solumn and introvertive or any state or combination in between as a result of these factors, acting over a long time. Had your experiences never extended beyond the nursery stage in terms of clothing, persons you dealt with and the objects you played with you would in psycho- logical terms remain a baby even though your body grew.

It is the same way with this other personality

bit. A large number of TV's due to circumstances of both opportunity, appearance, and understanding must re- main in the locked door stage or at best have little opportunity to "live", that is, to acquire experiences and make contacts which are the raw material from which personalities develop. Moreover, many others have no desire to acquire these experiences and thus no person- ality developement takes place.

A t

I think we can all be candid enough to admit that there is an erotic component in TVism. It could hardly be otherwise since it is a behaviour pattern intimately tied up with our awareness of, interest in and attrac- tion toward the opposite sex. In its early stages TVism is usually centered around some particular feminine item such as panties, corsets, heels, long hair etc. this stage it is fetishistic in its character. With some the behaviour stays at this level and is therefore true fetishism. With others, opportunity, circumstances, curiosity or what not lead them to try on additional items until eventually they have acquired full costumes, wigs, cosmetics etc. At this point there are two routes that may be followed.

One person at this stage may alter the pattern only insofar as he may acquire friends, go to an occasional party and dress at home with or without any domestic acceptance. This person has no opportunity to develop a second personality. Others who are fortunate in terms